Desensitization Technique Videos for Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome

Introduction to Desensitization Techniques for Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome (AMPS) from CHoP
Visit this link to learn more about these exercises.

Links to more videos:
Desensitization Techniques for AMPS: Brushing
Desensitization Techniques for AMPS: Ice Rub
Desensitization Techniques for AMPS: Lotion
Desensitization Techniques for AMPS: Audible Tapping
Desensitization Techniques for AMPS: Vibration
Desensitization Techniques for AMPS: Abdomen
Desensitization Techniques for AMPS: Head and Hair

Physical Therapy: Home Exercise Program 

Click here for program

Exercise is important for you when you have Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome (AMPS).

Exercise serves may roles in this diagnosis: it helps to wash out the lactic acid and bring oxygen to your tissues, sends endorphins (feel good hormones) to your brain, it gives your energy during the day and it helps you sleep better at night. The point of this program is to get you moving, even on your worst pain day, and it is specifically targeted toward your pain areas. It may be hard to get started and it may increase your pain at first, but continuing to progress session should ultimately decrease your pain and more importantly increase you function!

If you have any questions, we encourage you to speak your physical therapist or physician.

Created by Jamie Bradford PT, DPT as a part of The Center for Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Email for questions or concerns